On the 21st May 2021 Listening Inspires and Reboot the Future convened an Independent Dialogue on “Transforming our Food Systems with the Golden Rule: from Listening to Action”.

Empathetic DIALOGUE

This event was a contribution to the preparations of the Food Systems Summit convened by the Secretary General of the United Nations in the fall of 2021. The Food Systems Summit Dialogues provide an opportunity for diverse perspectives to come together and explore how to make our food systems sustainable and equitable, thereby accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Inspired by the “Golden Rule” (“treat others and the planet as you wish to be treated”), dialogue participants explored the values and attitudes needed to underpin the journey towards food systems change.
​This dialogue brought together key players from around the world, working in science, business, policy and academia, as well as farmers, representatives of indigenous peoples, youth organisations and ethical investors.
​The event was curated by Sara Roversi, Founder, Future Food Institute.
In addition to the report, we invite you to read our blog post, in which we reflect on the outcomes of the event.
Kim Polman, Co-Founder and Chair, Reboot the Future | @futurereboot
Ashwini Prabha, Co-Founder and Board Member, Listening Inspires | @ListeningInspir
Jonathon Porritt, Founder and Director of Forum for the Future
Myra Jackson, Founder of the Global Being Foundation, expert in the UN Harmony with Nature Programme @EarthMetric and member of the Listening Inspires Advisory Committee
Participants were broken up in 6 groups which explored the following topics:
Care and compassion in food systems
Reconnecting to Nature
Inter-generational solidarity
Partnerships and dialogue
New citizenship for a life economy
Listen to some inspiring words from our speakers